Monday, April 3, 2023

"Skull, bones found in septic tank at vacant [Kadoma-shi,] Osaka Pref. [apartment]"

This is a mere 20 meters from my home; I walk past it twice a day. I walked past the septic cleaner truck around 8:30 this morning. There were a lot of police officers and news crews there all day. I took this photo around 6:30 PM on my way back from home. I think the Kadoma police could use a good forensic anthropologist.

Multiple bones, including those thought to be a human skull, were found in a septic tank beneath a vacant home in this west Japan city on April 3.

At around 8:45 a.m. on this day, a male worker reported to police that "there was a skull while collecting waste from a septic tank" at an unoccupied three-story home in the Osaka Prefecture city of Kadoma. Objects appearing to be a human skull and bones were found in the underground septic tank, and Osaka Prefectural Police are looking into the case, while considering the possibility of corpse abandonment.

According to Kadoma Police Station, the septic tank is located beneath the home's garage on the first floor. After the worker opened the garage's manhole, which has a diameter of around 50 centimeters, he found a clothlike object and multiple bones. An individual planning to move into the home had apparently asked the contractor to clean the place.

The home is in a neighborhood some 400 meters south of Keihan Electric Railway's Kayashima Station.


On the news:

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