The end of the semester and the end of the year can only mean one thing for signers on campus:
The K.G.U. Japanese Sign Language Study Group 忘年会 ("end of year party").
This semester the study group grew in numbers and activities as evident by the number of participants in the 忘年会 (10 deaf, 19 hearing; 29 in total which served to take over half of the izakaya...). Every week this semester we had between 15 and 20 international and Japanese student participants. As always, T-san came every week; U-san and Y-san also came for most meetings giving the students more chances to interact with and learn from deaf people. This was also nice for the Coordinator as he was able to hand off review and teaching responsibilities to deaf people and student sempai. One week we had a deaf guest from France. He signed in French Sign Language while a Japanese deaf woman interpreted into JSL; I in turn attmepted to interpret into English. Another memorable activity for the group this semester was a fieldtrip to the Ikuno Deaf School Culture Festival in Osaka. I am hoping to make a short film about the study group and its activities this year. Stay tuned to VAOJ for more information about its release date.
I was especially happy to see such a diverse group of people getting along, having fun and communicating in JSL at the 忘年会. I hope the study group will continue to grow and evolve with the basic mission of spreading JSL and the understanding of deaf culture. To all participants this last semester, ありがとうございました and お疲れ様でした! To continuing participants, let's continue to grow and have fun with JSL. よろしくお願いします!
Click here for posts about previous 忘年会.
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