Friday, May 21, 2010

VAOJ is going to Germany!

Screen grab from the Institute for Ethnology student blog.
Caption reads: Yea! Fedorowicz is coming to Frankfurt.

In another weird twist of globalization, an American professor is going to Germany to teach German students Japanese Sign Language in English...

I have been invited to teach visual anthropology and Japanese studies at the Institut für Ethnologie at Goethe-Universität (otherwise know as "the Frankfurt school") during the summer. Apparently there is a demand for learning about Japanese culture in Germany; Goethe students promise me they will show me the German take on Japan. The German students also want to learn how to make ethnographic films about Japanese culture and I am expecting some fascinating projects. It should be noted that graduate students at Goethe found me through this blog and petitioned their university to invite me. Many thanks to them, my students in Japan and regular readers of VAOJ for making all of this possible.

So look for some interesting tangents, twists and turns in VAOJ this summer.

For more information about Goethe's Institute for Ethnology's program, check out the student blog (in German):

Click here for all of the Germany posts.

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