Thursday, June 18, 2020

"Distribution of ¥46.6 billion 'Abenomasks' likely to wrap up on Monday [6/15/2020]" - We just got ours yesterday...

Prime Minister Abe supposedly sent every household in Japan 2 masks. We have 3 in our family (4 if you count our cat...). And the masks are too small, even for a Japanese adult...

And the masks discriminate against deaf people and sign language users. Facial expression in sign languages is very important not only for expressing meaning and nuance, but are a vital part of the grammar. (You might have seen in the news various attempts at deaf friendly masks with clear plastic.)

Article: "Distribution of ¥46.6 billion 'Abenomasks' likely to wrap up on Monday" (The Japan Times, 6/12/2020):

Bonus meme:

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