Sunday, February 3, 2019

Local Setsubun Celebration at Kayashima Shrine, Osaka, Japan, Feb. 3, 2019

More neighborhood shots at the close-by Kayashima Shrine to observe setsubun. This is another community event to celebrate the (traditional) beginning of spring, catch some soy beans and drink some warm amazake. You can find a lot about setsubun on-line, especially the big celebrations at major temples and shrines. Setsubun is another great example of the variations of "traditional" Japanese festivals even in close proximity. Scroll down to see Kayashima last year, a celebration from a relatively close by (and large) temple near the Korien train station in Osaka and a not so far away shrine in Yawata-shi, Kyoto (all accessible on the same Keihan train line within 30 minutes or so).

See the celebration at Kayashima last year.

2018 Setsubun Shots @ Kayashima Jinjya

See another celebration at a big temple in Osaka.

Setsubun @ Naritasan-fudoson Temple in Osaka, 2013

See another celebration at a big shrine in Kyoto.

Setsubun festival at Iwashimizu Shrine in Yawata, Kyoto, Japan. February 3, 2019. Video by my colleague Mark Hollstein (Great job with the new camera!)

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