Monday, June 25, 2018

Jalan Jalan (1): Introducing the Summer Walk Series

Walking with my camera(s) is one of my most favorite activities. It's a form of joyous and holistic meditation - good for the mind (walking out the stress; letting one's mind wander) and body (good exercise; but don't forget the sunscreen...).

During my fieldwork in Bali I found I needed time to myself so I started to take an early evening walk. My Balinese friends called it jalan jalan and jokingly translated it as "walking for nothing."

When walking for nothing one sees things that might be otherwise ignored. It is fun to record such observations with photography.

So here I introduce a new feature on VAOJ, Jalan Jalan: the Summer Walk Series. See (some of) the things I notice and record on my morning walks in my Kansai neighborhood.

Sometimes there might be themes to the photos and sometimes there might be more abstract (weird) photos similar to previously posted ones that have been referred to as untitled, くわしく (details), random and/or accidental. If nothing else it's an excuse to explore my neighborhood again and play with my new cameras... Yoroshiku!

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