Friday, June 6, 2014

“LONGOCAMPO DOX” – Film and Visual Anthropology Summer School

Image borrowed from
Caption reads: "If you want to shoot something, shoot a film! 
© Longocampo hunt, 1900, Kalinderu studio"

Announcement through contact on the VAOJ Facebook page:

We would like to bring to your attention a fresh and beneficial South-East European initiative, for the moment with its main headquarter in Romania, connecting SEE region with the world through socio-anthropology, film and visuality.

Socio - Visual Academy is a catalyst for education and production of socio-visual research, transmedia and film. The main objective of SVA is researching and educating in the ways the social sciences, new media, visual art and cinema can collaborate and bring positive contributions to a better understanding of human interaction and solving of society's issues.

In August 2014 , Socio-Visual Academy challenges creative adrenalines within “LONGOCAMPO DOX” – Film and Visual Anthropology Summer School:

Creative Documentary, Visual Anthropology, Experimental Cinema 2 – 17 August 2014, Campulung Muscel, Golescu Mansion

Exploring transdiciplinary practice, collaborative production, social impact. Dead-line for the submission of applications: 20 June 2014

Applications open and further info at:

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