Monday, November 28, 2011

"Health ministry warns of increasing rates of HIV, AIDS infection"

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We were discussing this subject in "Deaf World Japan" class today (and a couple weeks ago in "Globalization" class) and it occurred to me that the increase of HIV/AIDS hasn't been in the news recently. But with World AIDS Day (December 1) it makes sense that we get a story.

From today's Japan Today:

Health Minister Yoko Komiyama made an appearance at an AIDS awareness event in Shibuya on Sunday to encourage Japanese people to take an HIV check ahead of the U.N.-designated World AIDS Day on Dec 1.

Komiyama said AIDS checks are available at public health centers across Japan and are free and anonymous, TV Asahi reported.

World AIDS Day aims to draw attention to the steadily increasing rates of AIDS infection around the world.

The ministry revealed that reported cases of HIV and AIDS infection in Japan last year surpassed 1,500 and that infection rates are increasing. The ministry also added that of those infected, around 70% were in their 20s and 30s, TV Asahi reported.

The ministry also said that it believes around 90% of those infected caught the disease through unprotected sex with an infected partner. A spokesperson urged people to use a condom for contraception and to visit a health center for a check.


Link to HIV/AIDS and Deaf People in Japan:

Link to other HIV/AIDS posts at VAOJ:

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