Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Okinawa photographer captures life around military bases"

From today's Japan Today:

Okinawa Prefecture-based photographer Mao Ishikawa on Saturday opened an exhibition in Nago in the prefecture showcasing the lives of diverse groups of people who live near U.S. military bases.

On display at the Nago Museum are about 80 pictures by Ishikawa, 57, taken between June 2009 and July 2010 during her extensive visits to areas near the Marine Corps’ Futenma air station, its possible relocation site in the Henoko district in Nago and entertainment areas near the Kadena air base.

One picture shows a Marine with a tattoo of the World Trade Center buildings, which collapsed in the Sept 11, 2001, terror attacks, with the letters ‘‘NEVER FORGET,’’ while another shows a bar owner treating young American soldiers like her own sons.

Ishikawa, who has long been photographing her native prefecture, has also captured people outside military circles, such as an Indian clothing store owner and Japanese people moving to Okinawa from other parts of the country.

The exhibition will run through Oct 3 excluding Mondays. It will reopen in January at a venue in Okinawa City in the prefecture.

Ishikawa and her work both seem to be very interesting. Here are some more links about her:

Mao Ishikawa (in Japanese):

Mao Ishikawa, by Eye Curious

Review: Mao Ishikawa, Life in Philly, by Eye Curious

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