Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Emotional Terrain of Transnational Immigrants: a Cultural Anthropological Approach"

Announcement from H-Japan...

Let me draw your attention to a workshop at Keio University (Mita Campus) next Tuesday (7/20) that will focus on the emotional aspects of migration through two ethnographic movies and three talks. The keynote speaker will be professor Karl Heider whom many of you might know as the author of "Ethnographic Film," one of the most popular introductions to visual anthropology.

Keio University, Centre for Advanced Research on Logic and Sensibility (CARLS) Cultural Anthropology Group, Research Seminar

Title: "Emotional Terrain of Transnational Immigrants: a Cultural Anthropological Approach"

Date: July 20th, 2010 13:00

Venues: East Research Building, Mita Campus, Keio University (6F G-sec Lab, 4F Seminar Room)

Admission: Free
Language: English & Japanese


PART 1: 13:00

Film screening:
"Jaguar" (by Jean Rouch, 93 min, 1967, with English subtitles
"Les Maitres Fous" (Jean Rouch, 35 min, 1954, with English subtitles

Commentary: Prof. Karl G. Heider (Keio University, Visiting Professor)

PART 2: c.16:00

Lecturer: Prof. Miyasa Keizo (Keio University, Cultural Anthropology)
Title: Diaspora and Emotional Life: An Anthropological Approach
Discussant: Prof. Matsuoka Hideaki (Shukutoku University)

PART 3: 17:30

Lecturer: Kang Yoon-hee (Nanjyan Technological University, Singapore)
Title: The Emotional Terrain of Educational Migration: South Korean Early
Study Abroad (jogi yuhak) Students and Their Families in Singapore
Discussant: Prof. Jung Yeong-hae (Otsuma Women's University)

Panel Discussion: by Prof. Karl G. Heider and others

* For more information see:

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