Thursday, February 26, 2009

Japanese Jesus Christ Superstar

(Image borrowed from Japan Today, 2/26/09.)

Here's some visual globalization for you.

Japan Today text: The actor in the role of Jesus Christ performs at the final dress rehearsal of the kabuki version of “Jesus Christ Superstar” in Tokyo. A rickshaw, women in elaborate brocade kimonos, the echo of bamboo flutes, and Jesus of Nazareth, his face painted white with the flaring red lines, all share the stage at Gekidan Shiki, one of Japan’s best-known theater troupes, in its revival of the hit rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar“—with some very Japanese twists.

Want more information?

Link to "Jesus Christ goes kabuki in Japan 'Superstar' play" at Reuters India:

Link to Japanese Jesus Christ Superstar webpage:

And here's a YouTube clip from a previous production.

Christianity hasn't been so successful in Japan, but what about this production? The story of Jesus becomes glocalized? Comments, visual or otherwise?

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