Friday, August 29, 2008

"I Think Japanese People Should Be More Open"

(Image borrowed from

Japanese photographer Keiichi Nitta is featured in the latest exhibition at the Constant Gallery in Los Angeles. "I Think Japanese People Should Be More Open" runs from September 6-30.

Having lived in New York for six years and now based in Japan, Nitta’s photography has international cultural influences that strives to capture those special moments in time. With Nitta’s experience, he has adopted themes of transcultural notions of beauty, fetishism of fashion and sexuality as well as create photography that is immune to any preconceived contexts or notions. (

For more information, check out the show's website:

Apparently you have to be over 18 to see the show. Niita's photography is certainly interesting, but the title of his show plays into the stereotype of the humble, quiet, homogeneous Japanese. Simple observation certainly reveals that there are plenty of open individuals in Japan. Perhaps Niita is trying to challenge the stereotype as well.

For more information on Keiichi Nitta, and examples of his work, see his own website.

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