Monday, February 8, 2016

"Tachinomiya" Photo Exhibition and Visual Ethnography: The First Week

The exhibition event finished its first week yesterday. There has been a good turnout everyday. I have found there is a thriving and hip cafe/gallery culture in the Hirakata/Katano area. Thanks to a friend sharing/announcing the exhibition on her Facebook page, I have been able to meet a lot of interesting people who participate in this scene. My friend's announcement got more likes than my own Facebook announcement - I am learning a lot about the power of social media and local networks through this experience.

The Sewing Gallery itself is a vital part of this local network as well. Through their connections a DJ at a local radio station (FM Hirakata) heard about the exhibition and arranged for a live interview. The photo above shows the radio station on-the-scene person interviewing the gallery staff person about the exhibition and gallery.

The Sewing Gallery is part of a sewing school run for several years by an interesting and respected headmaster. On Sunday we had a reception at the gallery with people from the tachinomiya, my university and even deaf people in attendance. The owner of Tenbun donated several bottles of sake and other people brought various snacks. The headmaster commented that perhaps he should make a noren for the exhibition. Before I knew it he did. And all participated in hanging it at the gallery entrance. These kinds of spontaneous happenings as well as feedback from visitors is making the exhibition a rich and valuable experience. You can read more at the Sewing Gallery's Facebook page.

Week Two of the exhibition starts on Wednesday and runs through Sunday, February 14. If you are in the Osaka area, please come. (There is still some sake left...)

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