Wednesday, December 2, 2015

"JNTO launches video contest for non-Japanese"

From The Japan Times, November 30, 2015.

The Japan National Tourism Organization has announced it will hold a video contest for non-Japanese tourists and residents as part of a campaign to promote the country through foreigners’ eyes.

Those who wish to participate in the”My Japan Story Video Challenge” contest should post a locally shot video to any of the JNTO’s social networking accounts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Weibo and Youku with the hashtag #MyJapanStory.

The videos must not exceed 10 minutes in length and must be submitted by Jan. 30, but there is no limit on number of videos.

The submissions can feature scenery, tourist spots, food, traditional culture or anything in Japan the participants feel is appealing.

Any non-Japanese can take part in the contest regardless of age, nationality or level of experience, including professional filmmakers, it said.

The JNTO will announce the winners in February based on criteria including content and number of shares. The prizes may include an airplane ticket to Japan and traditional Japanese crafts.


JNTO website:

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