Tuesday, March 17, 2015

More cool sign language interpretation: "This Cheeky Sign Language Interpreter Totally Stole The Show At A Singing Competition"

Another head's up from Emily... Source is BuzzFeed:

While signing during a performance from Eurovision competitor Magnus Carlsson, Swedish sign artist Tommy Krångh rendered the international heartthrob practically invisible this week with an enthusiastic performance.

The Scandinavian network SVT was airing the signed version of the Scandinavian music competition show “Melodifestivalen.”

Within two days of being posted the video went viral, garnering over 800,000 views and a giant international social media plea to “send Tommy to Vienna” for the Eurovision finals.

“My world has been turned upside down,” Krångh told The Guardian. “I am thrilled and happy; there has been so much love from the internet.”

And it makes sense; Krångh’s performance has everything: Drama. Sex appeal. And just plain fun!

Sign language can make anybody look cool!

Link: http://www.buzzfeed.com/emaoconnor/i-love-you-tommy#.uuYan9VpD

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