Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Jacob Aue Sobol Exhibition: "I, Tokyo"

Image borrowed from Polka Galerie website.

Date: March 7 - April 9, 2015
Place: Polka Galerie, Paris, France
Description: “I first arrived in Tokyo in the spring of 2006. My friend Sara had found a job there and I decided to accompany her to discover the city where she grew up – a universe entirely new to me, that I knew nothing of and where nothing really attracted me […]. The photos from this series represent what I’ve seen and those I spent time with during the following eighteen months. The people that I met there allowed me, I think, to better grasp what it means to be part of today’s Tokyo. Some have become friends; while I only shared a few moments with others. My photos are born out of serendipitous encounters, with for only guide my curiosity, my mood of the day and my evolving feelings towards the city as I discovered it. As much as possible, I worked from instinct. Taking photos resembles an improvised game. I feel that the more a photo is spontaneous and unplanned, the more it becomes alive, the more it moves from showing to existing.”

If you can't make it to Paris, check out the photos on the gallery website.

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