Tuesday, June 9, 2009

2nd International Student Ethnographic Film Tribute

The 2nd International Student Ethnographic Film Tribute will be hosted in the International Film Festival PLATFORMA VIDEO9 to be held at 6-9 November in Athens…

…the (sort of) ethnographic film festival is aiming in films made from anthropology students or related after 2005, either as dissertations or as assignments. This is done, for we aim to discuss the innovations and restrictions of student ethnographic filmmaking (i.e. time, production, department conventions, experimentation).

This ethnographic section of the festival doesn’t have a competitive character.

However, we are keen to invite some of the filmmakers during the festival, depending on available funds. Additionally, we are organizing again an open discussion - the subject of which will be announced very soon - where we hope to engage in a dialogue on / with the future of ethnographic film.

The deadline for films submission is the 20th of August.

Questions and prior notice for submissions should be directed to:

Konstantinos Aivaliotis: aivaliotisk@yahoo.gr
Nicholas Sfakianakis: nicksfak@hotmail.com
Christos varvantakis: rudrrrr@googlemail.com

The Platforma Video webpage is www.platformavideo.eu

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