Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring 2009 Globalization Kobe Fieldtrip

Another new semester, another Globalization class fieldtrip to Kobe. Kobe never gets old and students make new and different discoveries of globalization in this wonderful city. Check out the pictures below to see a sample of what this semester's participating students experienced.

Photos and captions by Étienne:

Is that the Québec flag?

Some Japanized "Parisian-style" set

Greek clothes shop

Is that a Dutch windmill?

Reminds me my family summer trips to New England's seaside!

American jazz

Some American hippie culture?

A shop with a French-sounding name


Cowboys and Indians!

Photos from Yurika:

Kitano area.

Kitano area.

Kitano area.

Photos and captions by Steven:

Introducing students to the Lock Up (It's a prison themed izakaya).

Kobe style!

This is how the Globalization prof would like to spend his retirement days...

Where else but in Kobe could you buy fruit directly from the Womb?

The Bruce Lee shop in Chinatown is always a must to visit...

...this time they were selling breasts, 395 yen each (apparently no discount by the pair).

Another perfect example of globalization/glocalization: introducing the Kobe Burger!

Former students who happened to be in Kobe on the same day.

Photo and caption by Angelica:

"I scream, you scream, we all scream for...globalization!"

Yes, another fun and successful trip to Kobe.

For pictures of previous Globalization class fieldtrips, click here.


  1. So I don't have anything to say about this actual post (though I would have loved to have gone on the trip) but I accidentally found this blog while searching for ainu related pictures and just felt a need to reply.

    I miss Kansai Gaidai...and I've forgotten most of my sign language. Hope everyone from the sign language group is doing fine!

    ~Kimberly (Body and Communication Spring '07, girl who always wore the brown coat, there are actually 2 pics of me on this blog)

  2. "L'Occitane" is indeed a france-based company and brand name.
    I think that, apart Japan,there should be shops also in the US now.

    By the way, I discover a very good blog, plenty of valuable informations about Japan. Thanks !!

  3. Hi there Professor

    I am a student at Carnegie Mellon University, and I am currently living in Kobe for a semester long visit here at their campus in Harborland. I think your trip was amazing. BTW I am not sure if it is right to ask you or not, do you know if I can get any decent vegetarian food in japan or not ?

  4. All kinds of foods are available in Japan if you know where to look. Sometimes I wonder how vegetarians fare here... I am more of a yaki-niku person. But I have been to a few tofu restaurants that were pretty good. You might want to look for those.
