Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Pilot took photos from cockpit upon takeoff, landing"

OK, so here's an instance when a viausal anthropologist should not take photos...

From Japan Today, 1/31/09:

A 31-year-old captain of an All Nippon Airways group airline has been found to have taken photos with a digital camera from the cockpit of a plane at the time of takeoff and landing when the use of electronic devices is banned, government and airline officials said Friday. The Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry issued a stern warning Friday against Air Nippon Network, telling it that such action violates the civil aeronautics law that prohibits anyone on board from committing safety-impeding acts.

Air Nippon Network, also known as A-net, said it has grounded the captain and is considering taking disciplinary action. The captain, whose name is being withheld, took photos of the runway at Kochi airport and bird-eye shots of Osaka airport upon takeoff and landing on Dec 6, 2008, the officials said.

Read the whole story:

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