Thursday, January 29, 2009

"In Japan, British photographer finds a home and a theme"

More photo related material in the media that serves as a tool for procrastination for the professor who should be writing syllabi...

From, 1/16/09

They are neither straight reportage, nor simple depictions of nature in rural Japan. Yet, Johnny Hymas' photographs have a lyrical, serene quality.

Held in the lobby of the Electric Power Development Co. office in Tokyo's Ginza district last month, the British nature photographer's solo exhibition "Japanese Scenery Appreciated by the World" was a solemn view of Japan's scenic beauty through 36 large-format images. Brilliant in color, his pictures of a field of rape blossoms swaying in the wind in Nagano Prefecture, cascading Oirase Stream in Aomori Prefecture, the Kushiro Marsh in broad sunlight in Hokkaido and geometric patterns of stepped rice paddies in Chiba Prefecture remind us of the richness found in seasonal changes of this country.


"If you take a photograph, it's an instant thing, but you have to know it means something. If you don't feel anything in your heart when you take a picture, it's worthless..."

Read the whole story:

See Johhny Hymas' official homepage:

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