Thursday, October 9, 2008

"Election '08 and the Challenge of China"

An announcement from H-Asia... This isn't necessarily Japan-related but the following documentary might be of interest to visual anthropologists and/or political junkies...

"Election '08 and the Challenge of China"

The U.S.-China relationship is complex and evolving and many argue it's the 21st century's most important bilateral tie. Policy toward China came up in the U.S. primaries, but has been largely absent from recent candidate speeches, the first McCain-Obama debate or last week's Biden-Palin debate. On the eve of the second McCain-Obama debate, the USC U.S.-China Institute is releasing a forty-minute documentary examining key issues and the stances taken by the candidates and the historical role of China in U.S. campaign politics.

"Election '08 and the Challenge of China" is reported by former CNN Beijing bureau chief Mike Chinoy (now a member of the USC faculty and a fellow at the Pacific Council). The documentary features historical and contemporary news footage, interviews with former officials and scholars, as well as candidate speeches and interviews with the candidates' key China advisors.

The documentary has eight segments and has been produced for a general audience, though we hope educators will find it a useful tool to launch classroom discussions. The segments are:

Part 1: The Big Picture
Part 2: Tensions over Trade
Part 3: Human Rights
Part 4: Taiwan and China' Military Buildup
Part 5: China's Growing International Clout
Part 6: China in U.S. Campaign Politics
Part 7: McCain and China
Part 8: Obama and China

The documentary is available at the USC U.S.-China Institute (USCI) website:

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