Monday, June 23, 2008

Anthro-Related Resources

Here are some resources recently announced in H-ASIA that might be of interest to visual anthropologists.

The Institute of Oriental Culture

Description (from their web page): The mission of the Institute of Oriental Culture is to conduct research on Asia through a synthesis of our broad expertise in the humanities and social sciences. The region covered by our studies extends from East Asia to the Middle East, which we consider naturally to include Egypt and North Africa. Unlike studies bound by government and political issues, ours do not have specific jurisdictional borders determined by a map. We study the world with a focus on Asia.

There are many useful links to databases, articles and various other resources.


The Research Cooperative

Description (from their web page): The Research Cooperative was established in 2001 as an international, not-for-profit organisation. Our aim is to help people anywhere develop skills and discover opportunities for writing, editing, translating, publishing, and other areas of research communication. The Cooperative welcomes volunteers, learners, people with experience, and professional services.

This seems like a good resource for cooperation and collaboration.


Asia Monitor Resource Centre

Description (from their web page): AMRC has developed over the years, but is still an independent non-governmental organisation (NGO) which focuses on Asian labour concerns. The Centre supports a democratic and independent labour movement promoting the principles of labour rights, gender consciousness, and active workers’ participation in work-related issues. [...] AMRC provides information, consultation, publications, documentation, and internships, and conducts research, training, advocacy, campaigns, labour networking, and related services to trade unions, pro-labour groups, related NGOs, academics, researchers, and professionals on labour issues.


The China Beat

Description (from their blog): The China Beat examines media coverage of China, providing context and criticism from China scholars and writers.

This is a nice source and example of scholarly blogging.


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