Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Internet Resources for Japanese Students and Scholars

Carefully remove the knife and check out these useful resources:

1. Skillful Internet Searching

Vincent K. Pollard at the University of Hawaii gives good advice for on-line searching and provides links to several useful resources. (advertised on H-ASIA)

Link to Skillful Internet Searching

2. Jim Breen's Japanese Page

Jim Breen from Monash University has compiled an incredible source for Japanese language software and education resources. He writes, "I have assembled this set of pages: (a) to provide information about a number of my projects in the area of Japanese computing and dictionaries, (b) to provide links to some of the resources available on the WWW on Japanese matters."

I am still in the process of exploring this valuable resource but I have already downloaded rikaichan (it displays in a pop-up the meaning of the Japanese word under the mouse pointer) and subscribed to the Kanji a day email list (a kanji character is sent everday with explanations, stroke orders, etc.). Lots and lots of good stuff to help us overcome Japanese language deficiencies... Do check this site out. (Thanks to MH for introducing me to this site.)

Link to Jim Breen's Japanese Page

As a recent guest lecturer noted, blogs are all about sharing. If you have information about useful sites dealing with Japan and/or visual anthropology, please share via a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Google Scholar (scholar.google.com) is also a useful and easy tool to search academic articles. It has the power of Google, but allows you to weed out the blogs and other questionable sources.
